“Therapy that includes no words but speaks loud into your soul"
- Daniela Pérez Lozada
Artist & Founder
About "She":
She-wolf was born out of love and determination; an avenue where I was able to express and work through life's wonderful and painful experiences by channeling my most inner passions and emotions into color and form.
And like this wonderful quote by Stella Adler says
"Life beats down and crushes the soul and ART reminds you that you have one"
That is exactly what made the She-wolf brand exist.
Art has been the medium of my transformative and healing journey.
Therapy that includes no words but speaks loud into your soul.
Since my daughter was a little girl she had a particular obsession with wolves; with this in mind, (on top of getting every cool wolf souvenir throughout the years), I started to learn more about them and the mysterious and powerful symbol of guardianship, ritual, loyalty, and spirit that they represent.
Wolves have the ability to make quick and strong emotional attachments, and often need to trust their own instincts.
Thus they teach us to do the same, to trust our hearts and minds.
"You use a glass mirror to see your face;
You use works of art to see your soul."
— George Bernand Shaw
I decided to paint this skull because it was about to be Halloween. As a kid, I was never allowed to celebrate anything that involved this holiday, So I never liked skulls because of what I was told they represented. Today, I have a totally different view; I find them fascinating. For me, they represent the intricate solid structure of a person, where the soul and spirit lives. The shell, the physical human structure that contains millions of years of history and the intricate design that in conjunction with the other systems makes a human being. With that, I guess I have to agree that they remind us that in physical death, without a heart -the bones are the ones that remain.
Creativity is an act of courage, it is what you were meant to be.
Acrylic on canvas Since he was a veterinary school graduate, my father was an avid animal lover. Growing up we had a few of his school bug collections at home. They were very professionally preserved and curated. It is fascinating to see the variety, patterns and colors that exist in the insect world. I came across a photo of this breathtaking creature and decided to make a painting out of it...
Acrylic on Canvas I recently visited Yellowstone and the Grand Teton national park. I honestly think it is one of the most beautiful places on earth. The majesty of that place humbled me. This " lonesome George" as they call them, was inspired by a picture that my daughter took off the back of the car while roaming the Hayden Valley at dusk...
"Wandering Albatrosses"
Acrylic paint on canvas I saw a picture of these birds years ago and I found them so stunning and elegant. These birds can live up to 50 years of age and can go years without touching land. With that perfect "smokey eye" look it seems like they are ready for a fancy night out at sea!...

“Life beats down and crushes the soul and ART reminds you that you have one"
— Stella Adler